the 360degree parallell
Hitler's racist views propelled his move towards world domination.The move explicity stated by him but was poo-pooed by "intellectuals" and many politicians as too crass and benighted to deserve consideration. This resulted in the policy known as "appeasement" a diplomatic form of surrender to fear which permitted Hitler to gobble up; in 1936 the Rhineland, in 1938 Austria and Chechoslovakia, and culminated in 1939 with Poland precipatating WW2. The Taliban moslem's religous, racist views have propelled its move to world domination, explicity stated, but poo-poo'd by "intellectuals" and many politicians as too crass and benighted to deserve consideration. This has resulted in a policy of "appeasement" in which the West must apologise for offending Taliban sensibilities by allowing freedom of expression . However the Taliban moslem supporters are truly offended by the existence of a western civilisation which does not abide by their rules. Is it incumbent upon the West to apologise for their insensitivity or on the Taliban to show tolerance and co-existence with other beliefs and end WW3?