Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Pissing tn the ocean....

  All of the posturing and gnashing of teeth by  ardent environmentalists , all the composing of waste, ignoring the benefits of carbon fuels ,all the turning down of the thermostats and separating garbage will not stop the inexorable pace of global warming,    The only thing we can try to do is ameliorate the effects, some efforts will involve massive engineering projects like protecting New York , it might  not be possible or even worthwhile, evacuating  large numbers of people from flooded land. providing new farmlands etc. All of the efforts might well be in vain  , the only sure thing is our world is going to change as it hasn't since the little ice age. The little feel good efforts have no affect like the title to this essay. Incidentally it took 700 years for the population of Europe to recover after the little ice age.


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