Saturday, September 03, 2011

Green Gills

Bowing to reality the president reined in the EPA in its effort to lower carbon emission standards which would have cost industry 90 billion or so dollars andb the economy many jobs.. This action was met with outrage by the officials of all the green organizations. All these officials have jobs. The true believers who support them are waning in number but officials and staff salaries get paid . I can't walk down the mall without being accosted by some college age youth beseeching me to help protect whales, cows, sheep, a veritable Noah's ark of warm and fuzzies let alone trees and sometimes even people. It concerns me that these educated classes whose unemployment to rate is only five per cent can co-exist with the unemployed mendicants inhabiting the same mall. While I realize the moral superiority of those who protect the environment while oblivious to the harmful effects of many of their extreme positions. Perhaps , they should examine the more alarmist statements of their leaders through the prism of unemployment of those others on the mall.


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